Sunday 1 January 2017

How to Join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge

The Agatha Christie Reading Challenge is really a challenge in two parts.

Part One

My original idea with the challenge was that I would read the books of Agatha Christie in order of publication to see what I could learn about her development as a writer, her exploration of the genre, development of her main characters and so on.

I've continued to tackle that on two fronts: her novels and her short stories.
I invited other people to join me and some are attempting to read the novels in order as I am, while others are simply reading them as they come across them.
I invite you to join us on this reading journey, reading at your own pace, either in publication order, or not, as you please.

You can join by adding your name to the Mr Linky at the foot of this post.

I find that I am reading about a title a month, aiming for 12 a year.
As I read a new book, I write a review and post it on my blog.
I also write an update post, recording my progress so far.
If you click here, you will see examples of these posts. 

Part Two

The second part of the challenge is to be a participant in the monthly Agatha Christie Challenge Blog Carnival.
It is an opportunity to submit your Agatha Christie reviews and updates to each carnival.
So when you write a review or an update about your progress in the challenge, then the next step each time is to submit your post to the Carnival through the Mr Linky created for each month. Just put the title of your blog post and the URL.


Shirley said...

Kerrie I am a new follower and would love to join the Agatha Christie challenge. I just finished reading Murder on the Orient Express and will post my review later this month to join in the challenge.

Kerrie said...

You are very welcome Shirley

Ian Anderson said...

It's been some time since I've read any Agatha Christie - my first taste came in 8th grade with Murder on the Orient Express. I think my favorite is And Then There Were None; I can still feel the chills running down my spine...

Thanks for starting this challenge! I'm excited to renew my discoveries with Agatha! I'll be reading The Secret Adversary first.

Patricia said...

Kerry, just now looked at this very interesting blog. I love Agatha Christie and consider her the best mystery writer - one only need to look at her book sales. I usually blog in the "official" (Facebook) and there are many UK fans there - for some reason I find them really in tune with Agatha's work. I will definitly mention your blog in their blog.

Miss D said...

Hello! I just found your blog - looks great! I am doing an Agatha Christie challenge too on my blog ( I'm reading them in order of publication. I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you all.

Kerrie said...

You are welcome Patricia and Nellie. Please feel free to submit your blog posts for our carnival each month

seagreen reader said...

I'm a bit late to this, but I would love to join in. I will read the books in order. I've always enjoyed the tv series, but don't think I have ever read any of the books. I probably won't get one read for July so I'll aim for the August Carnival.

Kerrie said...

You are very welcome Joanne

Nan said...

I am positive my name was on a linky list of participants a while back. In fact I think it was number 3. Is this a second list? Anyhow, I'll put my name up again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerrie,

I have always been an aficionado of Ms Christie and I am delighted to take part in this challenge. Looking forward to the excitement

Ms. P said...

Hello, I am leaving a link to my tumblr account. I will tag all of the posts ACRC and Agatha Christie Reading Challenge.

Kerrie said...

Welcome to the new names on the list. I hope you enjoy the challenge. Don't forget to write updates occasionally everyone

courtney - larking. said...

Love this idea! I've been writing book reviews on my blog since 2007 (just changed URLs though) and I am a rabid AC fan. I'll have my first entry for the ACRC up and ready for next month!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

What a great idea. I read and reread every AC thing I can get may hands on.


Kerrie said...

You are very welcome Courtney

Kerrie said...

Welcome Mary and Hattie

SujathaS said...

I love to read Agatha Christie's books and also happy to be a part of this challenge..

Kerrie said...

You are welcome Sujatha

Kerrie said...

Just add your name and blog address to the Mr Linky Yvette

Beth said...

I'm excited to join. Thanks, Kerrie, for setting this up!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Kerrie, my link is incorrect. Please delete and I will reregister.

Thank you.


Kerrie said...

I was able to fix it Mary. Thanks for joining

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Thanks Kerrie!

Unknown said...

I'm happy to join! I'm currently reading through Poirot's novels and I'm on "Murder in Mesopotamia". The blog is a little out of order so far but I'm hoping to catch up in 2012.

Brooke said...

I just signed up and I'm really looking forward to this. I haven't read much by Christie, but I absolutely love the Poirot television show and i've meant to read the books for ages.

Kerrie said...

The January 2012 edition of the blog carnival is now posted.

loriepet said...

I started reading Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks which stated it will take 7 years to read all her books if you do one a month and being a senior I decided I better get started. I just finished Crooked House.

mary said...

I'm almost done with all of the books in order, but terribly behind on posting... hoping to catch up soon!

Kerrie said...

You are doing well Mary. I hope you'll write a blog post or two and include them in the Carnival.

loriepet said...

I'm a new blogger and my first attempt was a failure at creating a URL, could you please delete 65. Lorraine Petkus. I promise to do better in the future

Kerrie said...

All fixed Lorraine. Thanks for joining

loriepet said...

I usually buy any pre world war II Christie from the UK for the American versions are censored. I got an email from Amazon UK that a number of Christie books are now available as a comic book. Has anyone bought one?

Kerrie said...

I have been very disappointed with the "graphic" versions Lorie. the American versions were not so much censored as just re-printed until a different title for copyright reasons.

loriepet said...

The UK is printing facsimile first editions of Agatha's book, so you might want to check it out if your in the market for a book. You can see them at Amazon UK

Agata Stanford said...

Hi Ariel!

I have read ALL of the Christie books and short stories over the years, and recently found a copy of Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks, by John Curran, in which she played around with plot scenerios, often using the same plot from one book to the next with changes in characters and methods of murder. Check it out!
As much as I have enjoyed her books, especially the Poirots, (read the mammoth, Hercule Poirot's Casebook), you might be interested in reading Ngaio Marsh, who wrote at the same time, starting in the 20s. Her 33 Mysteries are brilliant and have a real sense of humor often missing or strained in Christie's work.

Darlene said...

I have always wanted to read Agatha Christie's books, so I'm happy to have come across this challenge!

Thanks for hosting!

Kerrie said...

Hello everyone

Just over a week until the end of May and I'm wondering if you have read anything Agatha Christie recently.
What about a catch up post telling us where you are on the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge?

Make your contributions at

Carolyn Rector said...

I try to read Agatha Christie at spurts. I should try to read them in order also. One of my favorites to read at this time of year is Murder at Hazelmoor. Can't find the book today, can't believe I would give it up it has become such a ritual to read on these cold bitter days. I love the atmoshpere.

Shalet Jimmy said...

Would love to join the contest. I am reading ' Destination Unknown'.

Kerrie said...

Just add your details to the Mr Linky above.

M said...

Hi Kerrie! Actually, my friend is doing an Agatha Christie reading challenge with me! Please stop by and take a look at it. click here to view her Please do it for her because she wants to see how many people will stop by her blog or comment so if you like her blog, please comment because she loves comments and she's gotten a few, but she'd like more. Thanks! ~Newsie Q

M said...

Anyone who would like to contribute to the blog is welcome to stop by, ask if they can contribute to the book reviews and challenge, and then you can contribute! Just ask on the "The Challenge" page and we'll get back to you within a week! Thank you! ~Newsie Q

Kerrie said...

Hello NewsieQ, I would love for you to contribute links to your blog posts in the monthly challenge too.

Brad (ahsweetmystery) said...

Kerrie, I'll probably get this all wrong technically, but any chance to read and write about Agatha Christie is sheer pleasure for me! Thanks for providing this forum for so many fans to share their opinions about the Mistress of Mystery! :)

TRR@HP15135 said...

Would it be too late for me to join the challenge? (Crime Classics)

Kerrie said...

Never too late Tim. Just read at your own pace and come back to the main page to leave links to your reviews or progress updates

TRR@HP15135 said...

Thanks, Kerrie! I've provided my link (above), and I've posted notice of my participation in your challenge at Crime Classics:

Anonymous said...

I've shifted over to a different blog and posted the new link for my Agatha Christie challenge status.

Susan said...

I'm so excited to find this challenge! I've been reading her since I was a girl. I signed up above. Thanks! (Susan - SuzesMuses)

Valerie said...

I don't know how I ever missed reading Agatha Christie's books in my first 40 years, but I'm definitely in love with them now! I think I'm going to work my way through each series and then through the stand alone novels and then the short stories. I'm not a huge short story fan, so I'm saving those for last. I'm excited about having a place I can keep track of them all and see the progress as I cross them off! Thanks for such a great idea! - Valerie @ Valerie's Musings