Wednesday, 23 December 2009

ACRC Carnival #12

Well, here we are at the last edition of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Blog Carnival for 2009 - December 23.

Many thanks to those who contributed links to the Carnival.

Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

11 Contributors

In the News & Headlines


KerrieS found a review of DAME AGATHA'S SHORTS posted at Elena St Angelo
"This book deals exclusively with Agatha Christie's short stories. Read an excerpt online."

Danielle Rush presents Top Ten Favorite AGATHA CHRISTIE Movies posted at The Rush Blog, saying, "This is a list of my top ten (10) favorite novels written by Agatha Christie."

KerrieS discovered Aging-related Changes in Agatha Christie's Vocabulary posted at Neatorama, saying, "In a recently-presented scientific paper, Ian Lancashire and Graeme Hirst from the University of Toronto’s Department of English and Department of Computer Science demonstrate changes in the vocabulary used in Agatha Christie’s later novels."

Rebecca Glenn presents AND THEN THERE WERE NONE posted at The Book Frog, saying, "My first Christie!"

Margot presents THE SEVEN DIALS MYSTERY posted at Joyfully Retired saying, "This novel was different from the previous nine. It was lighter in tone and, at times, cheerful. It was still a mystery but it had some romance and some playfulness on the part of the young people trying to solve the case."

Hercule Poirot

Nan reviewed HERCULE POIROT'S CHRISTMAS, on Letters from a Hill Farm saying "each time I begin an Agatha Christie I am surprised at the depth of human emotions she portrays, and how she doesn't shy away from complex individuals and situations."

BooksPlease also reviewed HERCULE POIROT'S CHRISTMAS on BooksPlease, saying, "Families don't always get on at Christmas, but this is an extreme case - not a Happy Christmas."

Margot Kinberg reviews HICKORY, DICKORY, DEATH posted at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist....The novel begins with an almost unimaginable event: Miss Lemon, Poirot’s frighteningly efficient secretary, has made three typing mistakes in a letter she’s written.

KerrieS discovered a review of THE MURDER ON THE LINKS on Book Reader Forums, saying, "Nellie says "My Agatha Christie challenge continues and we are back on familiar territory here, with Poirot and Hastings teaming up once again to solve a murder.""

Dorte H also reviews HERCULE POIROT'S CHRISTMAS on DJs krimiblog: Old Simeon Lee, the millionaire, invites all his children, even the prodigal son and the unknown granddaughter, to spend Christmas with him. Is he turning into a kind and soft grandfather, or does the old man have other motives for gathering his family around him?

Sarah M. reviews CARDS ON THE TABLE posted on A library is a hospital for the mind...: An enjoyable evening of bridge turns into a murder investigation when the flamboyant host Mr. Shaitana is found dead. Can the four invited investigators -- Hercule Poirot, Superintendent Battle, Colonel Race and Ariadne Oliver -- discover which of the other four guests is the killer?

unfinishedperson reviewed Poirot Loses A Client on Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "Even though Poirot could have just let this one go, because the client was already dead and it was not clear if a murder had been committed at first, Poirot, being Poirot, cannot let it go."

Rebecca Glenn reviewed MURDER IN MESOPOTAMIA at The Book Frog, saying, "Poirot in the Orient."

Miss Marple

Elizabeth reviewed A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October 29th, at Little Paddocks, at 6:30 p.m. Friends, please accept this, the only intimation...."

Tommy and Tuppence

KerrieS reviewed PARTNERS IN CRIME at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "The fifteen stories contain parodies of fictional detectives who were well-known to readers of the 1920s. In each story Tommy and Tuppence assume the mannerisms and methods of a different detective or detective team, including Sherlock Holmes."

Running Updates

From unfinishedperson comes What I've Read So Far For The Agatha Christie Reading Challenge at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "A look back at my year in reading Agatha Christie."

On MYSTERIES in PARADISE KerrieS presents ACRC Update - 22 December 2009 , saying, "Kerrie's current update - 15 novels and 5 short story collections. Still a long way to go!" and ACRC: Short Stories, Update #5 saying "My latest short story count is 58!"

Would you like to display a counter similar to the one below on your ACRC Update page? Go to the NaNoWriMo Word Meter book page, enter the number of books you've read in Current Word Count, 87 in the Word Goal, choose the colour you'd like your bar to be, and then Calculate. Copy the code provided into your blog (html page) but change "words" in the last line of the code to "books".

20 / 87 books. 23% done!

Participants in the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge are encouraged to submit their update posts for future Blog carnivals.

That concludes this edition.
Submit your blog article to the next edition (January 23) of the agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Sunday, 22 November 2009

ACRC Carnival #11

Welcome to the November 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Blog Carnival.

Many thanks to those who contributed links to the Carnival.

Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

13 Contributors

In the News & Headlines

England's Devon and Cornwall: storied places, killer views posted at - Travel. "These places and six others are stops on the Agatha Christie Mile, a trail that wends around the harbor, and for wannabe Hercule Poirots and Miss Marples, are the scenes of some of her cases (it was on the terrace of the Imperial Hotel, for example, that Miss Marple, on her final case, revealed the culprit in "Sleeping Murder")."

Agatha Christie's picnic basket – junk or artefact? You decide | Books | posted at Guardian. "The British Museum holds Agatha Christie's picnic basket - or is it?"

A murder mystery even Miss Marple couldn't exorcise: MARGARET RUTHERFORD BY ANDY MERRIMAN | Mail Online posted at Books | Mail Online, saying, "Glamout girl she was not. Great actress she certainly was. So begins this intriguing account of one of Britain's best-loved character actresses."

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Star cast revealed for new Poirot
"Award-winning actress Dame Eileen Atkins and Barbara Hershey will star in a new TV adaption of Agatha Christie's Murder On The Orient Express. David Suchet, who has played Hercule Poirot for 21 years, will return as the moustachioed Belgian detective."

Lost Agatha Christie story to be published in US
The Strand Magazine said it will publish the 5,000-word story called the Incident of the Dog's Ball, which was found in the attic of the author's daughter in 2004.
The story was published in the Britain in September.


Louise reviews DEATH COMES AS AN END at Lou's_Pages, saying, "love and murder in a dysfunctional family around the year 2000 BCE."

Ryan Groff presents THE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS at Wordsmithonia, saying, "take everything you want in a mystery story and throw it all together into one beautiful mix. Royals in disguise, murder, memoirs, jewel thief's, secret identities, humongous mansions with secret rooms, codes ... this book has it all."

Ryan Groff presents AND THEN THERE WERE NONE at Wordsmithonia saying, "This has always been my favorite Agatha Christie mystery for as long as I can remember."

Samantha reviews AGATHA CHRISTIE: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY at Bookworms and tea lovers, saying, "This book is a work of art. "

Elaine reviews AGATHA CHRISTIE'S SECRET NOTEBOOKS by John Curran at Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover, saying, "This book is manna for all Christie afficionados, of which I count myself as one."

Hercule Poirot

Nan reviews THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES at Letters from a Hill Farm, saying, "Christie's first Poirot book, and first published novel."

Margot at Joyfully Retired reviews THE MYSTERY OF THE BLUE TRAIN at Joyfully Retired saying, "Even though Agatha Christie hated the book, I rather liked it." Margot notes "This is the ninth novel published by Agatha Christie. I’m reading these books in order for the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge."

Sarah M. reviews MURDER IN MESOPOTAMIA at A library is a hospital for the mind... saying, "this is is the 12th Hercule Poirot novel by Agatha Christie."

Gautami Tripathy reviews ELEPHANTS CAN REMEMBER at everything distils into reading, saying, "The case is about what was seemingly the double suicide of a loving husband and wife and the impact of that upon their children."

Margot Kinberg presents FUNERALS ARE FATAL at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist.... saying, "I recommend this title for its moody atmosphere, its surprising twists and compelling characters."

Bernadette presents DEAD MAN'S FOLLY at Reactions to Reading, saying, "My mini ACRC is to listen to all the audio books that David Suchet has narrated. They're a treat for the ears."

Margot Kinberg reviews EVIL UNDER THE SUN at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist...., saying, "I recommend Evil Under the Sun, especially for those who are already Poirot fans. It’s got brilliant characterization, interesting plot twists and Poirot’s famous “little grey cells.”"

Bella reviews THE CLOCKS at A Bibliophile's Bookshelf, saying, "in The Clocks Poirot is seemingly almost retired and plays a minimal role in solving this mystery, as he tries to do it from his armchair. Poirot has assistance by the way of Colin Lamb, or as he calls him his “dog”…"

Miss Marple

Karen M reviews New Margaret Rutherford biography: MARGARET RUTHERFORD, DREADNOUGHT WITH GOOD MANNERS. at Euro Crime.

Tommy and Tuppence

Karen M reviews Le Crime Est Notre Affaire at Euro Crime, "a 2008 French film (Crime is Our Business) in which Agatha Christie's married sleuths, the Beresfords, return".

That concludes this edition.
Submit your blog article to the next edition (December 23) of the agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Friday, 23 October 2009

ACRC Carnival #10

Welcome to the October 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Blog Carnival.
Many thanks to those who contributed links to the Carnival.

Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.



Surbhi Bhatia points to Witness for Prosecution- A Review posted at The Viewspaper. ‘Witness for Prosecution’ is a 1957 courtroom drama film by Billy Wilder, adapted from Agatha Christie’s short story by the same name. It features Charles Laughton, Tyrone Power and Marlene Dietrich.

BooksPlease presents Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Update posted at BooksPlease, saying, "I'm loving this challenge!"

Martin Edwards presents Christie, Christie, everywhere posted at 'Do You Write Under Your Own Name?', saying, "reading Christie remains one of my favourite forms of escapism."

Margot Kinberg reviews AND THEN THERE WERE NONE posted at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist....: "It’s one of Christie’s few mystery novels in which there isn’t really one sleuth as such, even an amateur one."

KerrieS presents Review: WHY DIDN'T THEY ASK EVANS? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "While playing a round of golf, Bobby Jones slices his ball over the edge of a cliff. His ball is lost, but on the rocks below he finds the crumpled body of a dying man. With his final breath the man opens his eyes and says, ‘Why didn’t they ask Evans?’
This novel is an interesting exploration of the impact of class differences in English society, at the same time as being an absorbing murder mystery."

KerrieS presents Kerrie's ACRC Update - 17 October 2009 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Progress report: I've read 15 books and 4 collections of short stories in 13 months. This post lists my reviews, and path ahead."

Submitted by KerrieS And now for something completely different... posted at Type M for Murder, saying, "Rick Bletcha who blogs at TypeM for Murder comments on Agatha Christie’s Poirot, The Movie Collection, Set 4. The ‘feel’ of the stories is perfect and the attention to detail is really quite astounding."

Hercule Poirot

Nan presents In which we meet Hercule Poirot posted at Letters from a Hill Farm, saying, "Hercule Poirot's first appearance."

Margot at Joyfully Retired reviews Book Review: The Big Four posted at Joyfully Retired saying, "This eighth published novel by Christie reads a little different from the others."

Elizabeth presents Third Girl posted at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "Critics tend to pooh-pooh the later works of Agatha Christie as not up to her golden mean. But Third Girl, published in 1966, is evidence to the contrary...."

Miss Marple

Roberta Rood presents From Christie to Shakespeare, in one easy leap posted at Books to the Ceiling.

HelenB presents Book 26 - A pocket full of rye, or: "I simply can't swallow this nursery rhyme business." posted at 52 Books A Year.

That concludes this edition.
Submit your blog article to the next edition (November 23) of the agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Tuesday, 22 September 2009

ACRC Carnival #9

Welcome to the September 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Blog Carnival.
Many thanks to those who contributed links to the Carnival.

Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.


For the last 10 days we Celebrated the life and work of Agatha Christie with a blog tour where bloggers undertook to put up a special post on their own site.
Now for the contributions people have made to this Carnival:


KerrieS discovered a number of articles:

Nan presents Letters from a Hill Farm: Book Report/They Came to Baghdad posted at Letters from a Hill Farm, saying, "A review from last year of a book I really loved."

G.M. Malliet presents On the Agatha Christie Trail posted at InkSpot saying, "I've just returned from two weeks in England. Not entirely by design, the trip turned, in part, into a pilgrimage to sites associated with Agatha Christie's life and works."

Elizabeth presents The Secret Notebooks of Agatha Christie posted at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "Miss Lemon fears that Mrs. Christie would be dismayed at this news that so excites her readers."

unfinishedperson presents THE BOOMERANG CLUE posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "This is a good book for those who enjoy a light, extremely light, read and liked the Tommy and Tuppence novels."

Hercule Poirot

Mog reviews BLACK COFFEE. posted at MOG'S BLOG, saying, "Originally a screenplay, it is adapted as a novel by Charles Osborne."

Sarah M. presents THE A.B.C. MURDERS posted at A library is a hospital for the mind..., saying, "One of my all-time favorite Christie Who Dunits!"

KerrieS presents MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (audio book) posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "What has delighted me so much in this audio book has been Suchet's superb characterisation of each person."

Joseph reviews THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES posted at Peace of Brain. saying "This famous mystery classic saw the debut of the great detective Hercule Poirot."

Sarah M. reviews DEATH IN THE CLOUDS posted at A library is a hospital for the mind.... saying "this is a fun read. It is also a little unusual, for unlike most of Christie's novels this crime has a closed crime setting. "

unfinishedperson presents MURDER IN THREE ACTS posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "So who did it? Well, I’m not going to tell you. You’ll have to read it for yourself. However, I can tell you that even if like me, you had an inkling of who the murderer was, you won’t be disappointed in the ride on which Dame Christie takes you to expose him (or her)."

unfinishedperson presents DEATH IN THE AIR posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying "when it got to the end and the perpetrator of the crime, I didn't quite believe it. It seemed a little too much of a leap that really wasn't seen in earlier parts of the book."

unfinishedperson presents The A.B.C. Murders posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying "John Curran, who edited the official Agatha Christie newsletter for years, named this book one of the top 10 Agatha Christie mysteries, and, in my humble opinion, I believe he is correct in his assessment.

Miss Marple

Martin Edwards presents A Pocket Full of Rye posted at 'Do You Write Under Your Own Name?', saying, "Some thoughts on Julia McKenzie's TV debut as Jane Marple."

Dorte H reviews SLEEPING MURDER(1976) posted at DJs krimiblog saying "This may be Miss Marple´s last case, but the appealing old woman is in great shape. "

ng kai-lee presents Marple Revisited; When the Mirror Crack'd posted at zhen's tofu shop, saying, "Original title The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side. Do you know the origins of this title?"

That concludes this edition.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Sunday, 23 August 2009

ACRC Carnival #8

Welcome to the August 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Blog Carnival.
Many thanks to those who contributed links to the Carnival.
Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to new participants Nan and Ryan.

In particular please check Suggestions Wanted: How to Celebrate Agatha Christie Week? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Join our blog tour scheduled for Christie week. Make some suggestions on how we could celebrate. Enter the date in your calendar."

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

In 15 contributions, there are 10 Titles reviewed in this carnival.
In addition we have some blog posts of general interest to Agatha Christie readers.



Nan reviews TEN LITTLE INDIANS posted at Letters from a Hill Farm, saying, "Not a cheery or cozy mystery but an excellent thriller." [This was also published as AND THEN THERE WERE NONE and TEN LITTLE NIGGERS.]


Hercule Poirot

unfinishedperson reviews

Margot reviews POIROT INVESTIGATES, a collection of 14 short stories, posted at Joyfully Retired. saying "this is a nice little book to tuck into a tote bag or the door of your vehicle for those times when you need a quick short story."

RyanG reviews THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES posted at Wordsmithonia, saying, "This was the review for the first book of my first challenge. I loved the book and recommend if to anyone who has never read a Agatha Christie book. This is a good taste of what she has to offer as a story teller."

Sarah M. reviews THREE ACT TRAGEDY posted at A library is a hospital for the mind..., saying, "Unique story as it's divided into three acts, like a play, with an actor taking a lead role in helping investigate a murder."

KerrieS also reviews LORD EDGWARE DIES posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Why does Hercule Poirot not wish to be known as the man who discovered who murdered Lord Edgware? In this novel we find out that Hercule Poirot can too be fallible."

Short Stories

Belle Wong reviews THE MYSTERIOUS MR QUIN posted at Ms. Bookish. saying, "A conjurer of skill with an instinct for detection, Mr. Harley Quin has an almost magical flair for appearing at the scene of the most remarkable crimes."

BooksPlease reviews THE HOUND OF DEATH posted at BooksPlease, saying, "12 short stories of premonitions, intuition or a sixth sense, stories of seances, haunted houses, nightmares, and amnesia - mainly supernatural and unexplained phenomena. A very enjoyable and satisfying collection."

Tommy and Tuppence

RyanG presents THE SECRET ADVERSARY posted at Wordsmithonia, saying, "This is my second review for my Agatha Christie self challenge. This book really showed how well Agatha Christie could write quick, believable dialogue. "

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Thursday, 23 July 2009

ACRC Carnival #7

Welcome to the July 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival.
Many thanks to those who contributed links in this Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to some new participants.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

In 18 contributions, there are 9 Titles reviewed in this carnival. In addition we have some blog posts of general interest to Agatha Christie readers. A couple of participants in the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge have supplied their "update" posts. Miss Lemon's Mysteries presents Miss Lemon's point of view. And who has best depicted Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot? Do they match your mental pictures?



Elizabeth presents THE SITTAFORD MYSTERY posted at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "Atmosphere isn't the only thing that stands out in this unusual mystery -- from the world's most familiar chronicler of crime."

KerrieS presents ACRC Update - 21 July 2009 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "My most recent update showing where I am on the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge journey."

Kate presents The 10 best beach reads posted at What Kate's Reading, saying, "An overview of my 10 best beach reads as per the NPR nominations, including MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS."

unfinishedperson presents Just A (Reading) Fool challenges page posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "How I have my challenges page set up. Requested to be submitted by Kerrie."

Maggie discusses THE SEVEN DIALS MYSTERY posted at My Utopia, saying "I was completely astonished when I read the killer's name."

Elizabeth presents TAKEN AT THE FLOOD posted at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "Imagine if the impeccably organized and eminently sensible Miss Felicity Lemon (private secretary to Mr. Parker Pyne and M. Hercule Poirot) were to assemble her own collection of crime fiction.... Here she recommends and discusses the choicest whodunits ever written."

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon reviews The Mysterious Disappearance of Agatha Christie. posted at Scandalous Women"On December 3, 1926 Agatha Christie disappeared from her home in Sunningdale, in Berkshire. Her car was found at eight o’clock on Saturday morning, abandoned several miles away, with some of her clothes and identification scattered around inside."

Hercule Poirot

KerrieS asked Who Best Depicts Hercule Poirot? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "David Suchet? The definitive Poirot? My readers agree." In this post I've included some links to other sites of interest."

KerrieS reviews PERIL AT END HOUSE posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "HP's 6th novel, and his greatest test yet. Even the great HP is fallible."

Margot at Joyfully Retired reviews THE MURDER OF ROGER ACKROYD posted at Joyfully Retired. "Wherever you find Mr. Poirot, there is sure to be a murder. It’s definitely enough to pull Hercule’s little gray cells away from his vegetables."

KerrieS points to 50bookchallenge: [Book 8] DEATH ON THE NILE saying, "I have submitted this blog post for its excellent review. Unfortunately the blogger had turned anonymous comments off so I was unable to invite him/her to do it for herself."

Miss Marple

Elizabeth reviews A POCKET FULL OF RYE at Miss Lemon's Mysteries, saying, "A delightfully chilling take on the old Mother Goose rhyme, the murders in this whodunit follow right in step with the rhyme (if not reason) of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence.'"

BooksPlease reviews THE THIRTEEN PROBLEMS by Agatha Christie posted at BooksPlease, saying, "This collection of short stories includes The Tuesday Night Club introducing Miss Marple. A quick and easy read that raises questions about who has the best mind to solve mysteries."

KerrieS asks How could they do it? at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Did you realise that some of the Marple TV series did NOT have Miss Marple in them originally? This post explores that fact."

KerrieS also reviews THE THIRTEEN PROBLEMS at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "The set of short stories where Miss Marple was created."

KerrieS asks Who is the best Miss Marple? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "The poll referred to in this post is over, but do leave a comment about who you think is the best Miss M. Do you think Julia McKenzie will regret becoming the latest in the role?"

unfinishedperson reviews THE MURDER AT THE VICARAGE at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "The first Miss Marple. Unfortunately, have to wait a while for the next one."

KerrieS asks Did Agatha Christie change her mind about Miss Marple? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "How did Miss Marple change after Agatha Christie first created her?"

Short Stories

KerrieS presents ACRC: Short Stories, Update #4 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "My summary of the short stories I've read so far."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Tuesday, 23 June 2009

ACRC Carnival #6

Welcome to the June 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival.
Many thanks to those who contributed links in this Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to some new participants.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

In 12 contributions, there are 9 Titles reviewed in this carnival. Audiobooks have made quite a hit, and the new TV programs get a look in too.


Janet Rudolph presents Poirot Returns to PBS posted at Mystery Fanfare, saying, "New PBS series with David Suchet as Poirot in two and Julia MacKenzie as Miss Marple is 4 episodes."

Sarah M. reviews WHY DIDN'T THEY ASK EVANS? posted at A library is a hospital for the mind..., saying, "One of only 12 books that doesn't include a police officer or private detective in the solving of the crime."

Belle presents Flash Reviews: The Agatha Christie Audiobook Edition, Part 1 posted at Ms. Bookish. saying "the audio version of a book is a great indication of the strength of the story the author is trying to tell."

KerrieS presents Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Update - 16 June 2009 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Where I am in the challenge journey."

News item: Harper Collins uncovers new Christie stories: "Two never-before-seen Hercule Poirot short stories by Agatha Christie are to be revealed in a new book published by HarperCollins this autumn."

Hercule Poirot

Margaret reviews PERIL AT END HOUSE posted at BooksPlease, saying, "Poirot is on holiday and insists he has retired - until he can't resist coming to the aid of Nick Buckley, whose life is in danger."

Belle presents an Audiobook Review: DEATH IN THE CLOUDS posted at Ms. Bookish.saying "I’ve been listening to a lot of Christie’s works in audio lately, and it’s very clear that her focus on dialogue in her books translates very well into audio."

Mog reviews MRS. McGINTY'S DEAD posted at MOG'S BLOG, saying, "great mystery solved by Poirot. 'Mrs McGinty told lies. A valuable fact. What lies, exactly, did she tell madame?

Miss Marple

Karen M spots the new Marple book covers featuring Julia McKenzie as Miss Marple. posted at Euro Crime

Short Stories

KerrieS reviews THE MYSTERIOUS MR QUIN posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "A very enjoyable set of short stories, introducing Mr Satterthwaite and Mr Harley Quin."

presents Agatha Christie Reading Challenge: Short Stories, Update #3 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "A list of the short stories I have read so far."

Superintendent Battle

Margot reviews THE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS posted at Joyfully Retired. saying "If you’re looking for a good cozy mystery with no gore, this is it."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Friday, 22 May 2009

ACRC Carnival #5

Welcome to the May 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival.

Many thanks to those who contributed links in this Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to some new participants.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc. You can now join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge too, so just click on the link and sign up.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

In 16 contributions, there are 10 Titles reviewed in this carnival

Margot at Joyfully Retired reviews THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT posted at Joyfully Retired. saying "This one is different from the other Agatha Christie’s I’ve read: no Hercule Poirot, no Jane Marple, no Tommy and Tuppence. This book has a completely new cast of characters, and a fun cast it is. Plenty of great dialogue, mystery, adventure, romance and surprises."

KerrieS presents Why you shouldn't read crime fiction late at night! posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Did you know you can watch some of the TV series on YouTube? Here is THE BODY IN THE LIBRARY."

KerrieS presents Join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "There is now a post where you can join up to the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge "officially". Do join even if you are not going to try to read the books in order."

KerrieS reviews THE SITTAFORD MYSTERY posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "A spot of table turning reveals a murder has taken place six miles away in this the 11th Agatha Christie novel."

Linnea West presents Little Grey Cells Tackle Agatha's Christies Perennial Popularity posted at Art Ravels, saying, "This post deals with Agatha Christie's popularity, writing style and life, including one very odd incident."

Hercule Poirot

ng kai-lee reviews A MURDER IN THREE ACTS posted at zhen's tofu shop, saying, "Poirot does it again... this time with a well-planned drama and a mighty curtain. I miss the good old Captain Hastings, but at least we get to see Mr. Satterthwaite a lot in this story."

Sarah M. reviews MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS posted at A library is a hospital for the mind..., saying, "One of Christie's best as far as how clever and difficult the mystery is. But nothing eludes the famous Hercule Poirot."

Shiv Dravid presents Yes it’s the little Belgian again posted at The Viewspaper, saying "When the detective is someone like Mr. Poirot, the wait till the last page is a pleasantly intriguing one ,to say the least."

BooksPlease reviews DEAD MAN'S FOLLY posted at BooksPlease, saying, "Ariadne Oliver organises a Murder Hunt which ends up with a real murder and a most unlikely victim."

Melissa Owens reviews MURDER IN MESOPOTAMIA posted at Melissa's Bookshelf, saying, "Rated 5 out of 5 stars at Melissa's Bookshelf!"

Miss Marple

Dorte H reviews MURDER AT THE VICARAGE (1930) posted at DJs krimiblog, saying "This is a real classic."

Sherrie reviews A CARIBBEAN MYSTERY posted at JUST BOOKS, saying, "Wonderful Book! Loved this one!"

BooksPlease reviews THE BODY IN THE LIBRARY posted at BooksPlease, saying, "Ejoyably puzzling mystery, solved by Miss Marple."

Book Psmith reviews THE MURDER AT THE VICARAGE posted at Book Psmith, saying, "this is the beloved Miss Marple's debut. Although she plays a large part in solving the crime, she seems like a peripheral character."

KerrieS found The World's Thickest Book posted at The mental_floss Blogs, saying, "It’s official – at 4,032 pages, all resting on a spine over a foot thick, the world’s thickest book is THE COMPLETE MISS MARPLE. The massive volume, a collection of the 12 novels and 20 short stories by Agatha Christie featuring the guileless spinster detective, was revealed to the public at a press event at Foyle’s Charing Cross Road bookshop in London on Wednesday, May 20."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Thursday, 23 April 2009

ARCR Carnival #4

Welcome to the April 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival.

Many thanks to those who contributed links in this Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to some new participants.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

12 titles reviewed in this carnival:


KerrieS presents Reading Agatha Christie | Inside Story posted at Inside Story, saying, "Just below the surface is another, less orderly world, writes Dennis Altman"

Shiv Dravid presents Witness for Prosecution- A Review - The Viewspaper posted at The Viewspaper » The Viewspaper.

KerrieS presents ACRC Update - 18 April 2009 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "My progress in the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge."

unfinishedperson presents Mini-reviews: 3 Poirot novels and another Superintendent Battle novel posted at Just A (Reading) Fool, saying, "I reviewed The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The Big Four, The Mystery On The Blue Train and The Seven Dials Mystery. Which did I like best? Read my mini-reviews to see."

KerrieS presents Did Agatha Christie have Alzheimer's? posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Research seems to indicate a loss of word power towards the end of Agatha Christie's life. But was it Alzheimers?"

Hercule Poirot

BooksPlease presents The Mysterious Affair at Styles posted at BooksPlease, saying, "At last I've read the very first Agatha Christie novel!"

HelenB presents Evil Under the Sun posted at 52 Books A Year, saying, "As a first-time reader of Christie, this book had me instantly hooked."

Robin McCormack presents Book Review # 44 - The Mysterious Affair at Styles posted at My Two Blessings, saying, "I thoroughly enjoyed the book, though I mistakenly read it from a different perspective. Interesting how one word changes everything."

Sarah M. presents Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie posted at A library is a hospital for the mind..., saying, "The 13th detective novel by the Queen of Crime. The seventh with Hercule Poirot, Arthur Hastings and a special appearance by Japp."

Carrie presents Evil Under the Sun posted at The Shannon Experience. Carrie says " If you haven't read any Agatha Christie novels, this is a good one to start with."

Margot at Joyfully Retired presents Book Review: Murder on the Links posted at Joyfully Retired, saying "the NY Times called this one “A remarkably good detective story.” I’m happy to agree with the NY Times."

Miss Marple

David Edmonds presents The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie posted at from my bookshelf..., saying, "A fun little mystery. I discovered, after reading The Thirteen Problems not that long ago, that I really enjoy her novels more than her short stories."

ng kai-lee
presents the moving finger- a christie psychological thriller? posted at zhen's tofu shop, saying, "not what i consider as one of her best works- its more like a short novel rather than a full crime fiction- Miss Marple's role is relatively small in this story".

BooksPlease presents The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side posted at BooksPlease, saying, "Miss Marple unravels "a nice juicy murder".

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Monday, 23 March 2009

ARCR Carnival #3

Welcome to the March 23, 2009 edition of Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival.

Many thanks to those who contributed links in this Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. Do visit the participating blogs and leave comments if you have read the books. Welcome this month to some new participants.

Spread the word too about the existence of this blog and the monthly opportunity it offers to showcase reviews about Agatha Christie books.

If you'd like to be part of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, it is never too late to start. Check out the other postings on this blog and my main Agatha Christie Reading Challenge postings which will lead you to the lists of titles etc.

Read at your own pace, write a review on your blog, go to the Carnival collecting space and put in the URL, your details, and a comment about the post.

9 titles reviewed in this carnival:


The participants


Sarah M. presents The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie posted at A library is a hospital for the mind, saying, "This was the first of many Christie novels to appear under more than one name depending on which country you purchased the book."

KerrieS presents ACRC Update - 13 March 2009 posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "A list of the first 15 or so Agatha Christie novels and short story collections, showing how far I've progressed."

Hercule Poirot

KerrieS presents It's All in the Little Grey Cells - my interview with Monsieur Poirot posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "A book review with a difference."

Melissa Owens presents Mystery Mondays - Review: Sad Cypress posted at Melissa's Book Shelf, saying, "If you're looking for a relatively quick read and an engaging mystery, this is a good one to pick up!"

ng kai-lee presents a poirot case: peril at end house posted at zhen's tofu shop, saying" the good old CaptainHastings is back; and once again Poirot is thrown into an exciting new mystery, which is not very unlike the others in terms of the settings. beautiful women, money, drugs, and of course, murder."

Sarah M. presents Peril at End House by Agatha Christie posted at A library is a hospital for the mind, saying, "A 4 star. A lesser known, but still really good read by Christie."

Melissa Owens presents Mystery Mondays: Review: Appointment With Death posted at Melissa's Bookshelf, saying "Once again, Christie has written a mystery with an ending I didn't see coming. This time, I can't decide if I think she left enough clues to lead to the culprit, however."

Miss Marple

Kathrin presents THE MIRROR CRACK'D FROM SIDE TO SIDE posted at Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic, saying "Dame Agatha once again managed to create a suspenseful mystery and left quite a few questions open until the end."

Superintendent Battle

KerrieS presents THE SEVEN DIALS MYSTERY - Agatha Christie posted at MYSTERIES in PARADISE, saying, "Another mysterious death at Chimneys linked to treason and treachery."

unfinishedperson presents The Man in the Brown Suit/The Secret of Chimneys posted at An unfinished person (in this unfinished universe), saying, "Between the two, I'd choose the latter because its lighter tone works for it better than the first two."

Tommy and Tuppence

Margot at Joyfully Retired presents The Secret Adversary - Agatha Christie posted at Joyfully Retired, saying "Over the years I’ve read many of Agatha Christie’s novels but this one was new to me. It was not what I expected to find."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of agatha christie monthly carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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